Monday, January 12, 2009 Exclusive Custom Sports Figures has partnered with All Star Customs out of Trenton, Ohio to offer our viewers custom McFarlane sports figures of your favorite Colerain Cardinals or other players. These figures run $65 + shipping for a seperate figure of $80 + shipping for one with the packaging. They also have the ability to do dual figures, where they look like an action shot. We have a couple samples of former Colerain players to show you what these will look like.
The first couple pictures are of BJ Askew, class of '99 and current Tampa Bay Buccaneer. The last 3 are of myself, also class of '99, with a figure including the package. Click on the photos to view a larger image.

What better gift for a current or former Colerain player than a figure of themselves in their playing days?!

Email us at for details on ordering. Figures generally take 2-4 weeks to be completed.

To view All Star Customs website, visit


Chris Gundrum said...

That's awesome! I graduated on '06 and I'd love to have that figure sit next to my state title ring! Thanks for the info.

Jason Helferich said...


No problem. If you have any questions about ordering one of these just let us know.
