Thursday, November 06, 2008


Red Out The Warriors!


Before we did the interview last night, I asked coach Bolden if he would have any problems if we ( called for a 'Red Out' this Saturday at Nippert. Coach Bolden said he did not...


If you are student at Colerain who reads Yappi or and plan on attending the game: Wear RED!

If you are student at Colerain who plans on wearing RED to the game on Saturday: Bring three friends and make them wear RED, too!

If you are parent, realative, almunus, teacher or fan of Colerain and will be at the game on Saturday: Wear RED!

If you have friends or family who will attend the game but aren't visitors to Yappi or First, tell them about the website (shamless plug) THEN tell them to wear RED to the game.

Go Cards! Wear RED!

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